Sep 5, 2011

Praedicamentum Totalum

To be part of who you are is a mysterious ride you gotta take through the search of your identity. We're all part of human beings, part of that evolving species... We all know that, but what we're so oblivious to, is the fact that we're not even remotely related to who we really are!                                        

Basics are true but incidentals are awry; you were incepted into this world by mere heresies that have been given to you all through your shaping years, not knowing what's wrong or right. Your mother gave you some beliefs to adhere to, while your father told you to ignore them and live by his... And the story went on and on until you were no longer able to figure out your true purpose in life. Doesn't this aggravate your wits- that's if you have any left- to the extent of insanity and irrationality? Don't you wish you were born as an orphan so that you could make your own decisions and shape your own mind? Don't you crave for a portion of a second to scream out loud, to say, "I OBJECT!!!" even if your voice never reaches outside your bedroom door???
All these questions and more are the company of your long lone days and nights, they hit you in the head like a lightning bolt, fuzzle your senses, and make you re-consider your own existence! You always feel like you're in some sort of a problem, yet there's no problem whatsoever but yourself. Things don't seem to work out the way you want them to be, no matter how hard you try, you always seem to fail over and over again and never learn from your repetitive mistakes.
If all this applies to you then you're in a TOTAL PREDICAMENT!!!

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