Aug 11, 2014

Simply Unattached

Admit it; we're labeled just because we're females, the cute and delicate sex, daughters of Eve- just because we're Women...
"STOP! Spare me, is this another Feminist speech? Because if it is, then please don't waste my time."
"But you haven't heard the rest of it yet!"
"Well, as we specifically requested in the ad, we are looking for a host for our new show with an unbiased point of view and it seemed from your speech that..."
"That what? I am a feminist?"
"Well this is the impression I got, unless..."
"If you had given me the chance to finish, you would have found out that it's a simple piece about Women's problems and just because I used the word "labeled" it doesn't mean that I'm biased, I am simply stating a point of fact; how women are viewed by their society."
"Ok ok, but could you please cut to the chase with the point you're trying to make here?"
"Alright! When was the last time someone asked you, 'Why are you still single?'"
"Hmm... It's hard to tell because for guys this question is simply not on the menu."
"Exactly! But for girls it is a given!"
"Right, I suppose it is only normal."
"Normal?! Why? Because we are girls?"
"Apparently in our society and even western societies the more focus these days is on the marital status of women and the fact that a lot of them are single raises many eyebrows or so to speak."
"Hah! Is this another Feminist speech? This is my point exactly, why is this fact of being Single or not boggles people so much? Why is the focus always on women and not men? Is it because we are the bearer of children and once we hit the 30's queue of bystanders we become expired or unwanted in the market???"
"You are being too judgmental, it is just how people are and have always been since the beginning of time!"
"So does this ideology of yours make it okay for people to label single women in such a term?! Why does it have to be Single anyway? Why not ‘not-taken’, ‘unmarried’, or rather ‘free’?"
"Because it is not natural, if you are single then you are lonely and that is that!"
"Allow me to prove you wrong, sir. Just because I am Single doesn't condemn me to be lonely. In fact, many married women claim to be lonely all the time because their husbands give them no care or are partially in a state of "hibernation".
It is how you use this term in your life that defines you; you could be Single but content; loneliness has no place in your dictionary, you refuse to be judged as a half being waiting to be completed by another, your life is not on hold until this person comes with his wand to achieve all your dreams. This is how society likes to define single-hood because it refuses to not abide by the laws of nature that for every woman there is a man and not the other way around. And so I refuse the term Single, Lonely, Solitary, Loner, Isolated, etc. and any other synonym a dictionary includes."
"So what do you prefer to be called?"
"Simply Unattached."

This is a simple message to all the single ladies; you are not alone, you are not unwanted or unsought, you are not expired or a spinster and if you stand by to allow others to call you that, then you should only blame yourself. If your mother taught you that you will never be considered worthy of respect or admiration unless you are married, it is because she has been drilled with the same concept by her mother and her grandmother back to the age of ‘Si El-Sayed’[1].

People should stop trying to define women as a half person, obviously we don't need another half to complete us. God has created us whole and complete. I am neither Cinderella nor Sleeping Beauty waiting for a prince to come and wake me up from my misery.

[1] Si El-Sayed= A term created by a sadistic male figure. The word ‘Si’ has ancient Egyptian roots and used nowadays in  Egyptian colloquial Arabic. Unfortunately the term denotes false claims of glorification to the male figure and sadly enough has gotten more than it deserves of appeal from attention-seekers, i.e. men who never received love or care as infants from their mothers.
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